“ Beauty can be seen in all things, seeing and composing the beauty is what separates the snapshot from the photograph." – Matt Hardy

These are just some of my shots in our Photography Class. We were asked here to capture macro shots of insects, flowers, ducks, leaf and anything that involves nature! All these photos were taken at Rain Forest Park, Pasig City :)) It took me so much time to capture these pictures. Because of this experience, I realized that Photography is a matter of PERFECT TIMING! I hope you appreciate these wonderful photos of nature! 

A butterfly is like a flower that the wind called to dance. 

Butterflies are self-propelled flowers.

Butterflies cannot see their own wings. Therefore, they have no idea of their beauty.

A bird is an inspiring animal that represents freedom and spiritual growth.

A duck is always calm on the surface, but always paddling beneath.

Every horse thinks its own pack heaviest.

The mighty duck looking for his companions.

Snakes are fascinating part of the natural world.

Flowers are proud assertions that rays of beauty out value all utilities of the world. 

A leaf is destined to grow large.

A flower blossoms for its own joy.

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