Saturday, January 26, 2013 (8:45 pm)

          The Analects of Confucius is a collection of priceless teachings of Confucius, the Chinese Philosopher and Great Thinker who lived 551BC-479 BC, who stills reigns as as one of the most notable figures in the history of human thought.

        Confucius is a great sage of the eastern world, endlessly revered and quoted, possessor of one of the greatest minds ever. He was a sage whose broad range of interests included philosophy, ethics, education, social criticism, and politics. Very little is known about his life, other than "his life was his prayer". He was a philosopher, intellectually independent, devoted to the public good and so on.

            His philosophy in the analects focused on issues of morality, both from a personal as well as a governmental perspective, he also taught concerning the correctness of social relationships, justice and equality.

            Reading the analects gave me the opportunity to find my own gems of wisdom, it was as if I was one of the students of Confucius sitting comfortably and listening to him intently. Every letter printed in the book is a piece of treasure that no one can undeniably question its significance. The analects was composed of gems of wisdoms that I can proudly pass on to my future children, to guide them as they grow up as men and women not just to have a disciplined life, but to have a life worth living. 

            Here are the following things that anyone can harvest while reading the analects. These aren’t just simple teachings, these are life changing knowledge that anyone can acquire. One just need to have a cleanse soul, pure heart and a mind full of understanding in order to appreciate his teachings.           


            “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”

            This means that reality speaking, all life demands struggle. Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish, and insensitive to the real values of life. But if you keep going down the right path, you will eventually get to your intended destination. The hard work is being consistent; anybody can do right for a day. The person who succeeds is the person who stays committed despite the circumstances. I know you've heard it a thousand times before. But it's true - hard work pays off. The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.


            “Never contract friendship with a man that is not better than thyself.”

            No man is an islandOur friends are a prophecy of our future; where they are is where we are headed. It would serve us well to find friends who are going where we want to go. So it is important that we should value them and treat them with respect and love, because they are our twin souls. Our life would never be more meaningful without our friends.


            “It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get.”
            This lesson explains a lot! It’s easy to hate, it’s easy to be negative, and it’s easy to make excuses. It is love, forgiveness, and greatness that require a great heart, a great mind, and a great effort. People should learn how to spread love and affection. We shouldn’t be afraid to love, and we shouldn’t be stiff enough not to give forgiveness to those who have done ungrateful things to us. What matters here most is the virtue of having a pure heart and soul towards other people.


            “The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.”

            Confucius said, “Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure.” Whatever you are called to do, if you are to succeed, you must first be prepared. Make a pact with yourself today to not be defined by your past. Sometimes the greatest thing to come out of all your hard work isn't what you get for it, but what you become for it. So shake things up today!

            “To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it.”

            Don’t sweat the small stuff; to be wronged is no great offense. Don’t let the wrongdoing of others ruin your day. Don’t let they’re negativity occupy your thoughts. Don’t let anyone bring you down just by committing mistakes. Mistakes can always be corrected if you are just willing to. Make these mistakes as life lessons so that the next time you commit it, you know how to handle it. To be wronged is nothing!

                                    “When anger rises, think of the consequences.”

            Solomon said, “He that is slow to anger is greater than the mighty.” Always remember to keep your temper in check and to consider the consequences. Don’t let anger eat us. As much as possible, we should learn to keep calm, take things gently and face every situation with peace and tranquility.

            “When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.”

            If it’s looking like you’re not going to make your goals this year, now would be a good time to adjust your plan. Don’t accept failure as an option, adjust your sails, and you will sail safely to your goal. Sometimes there's not a better way. Sometimes there's only the hard way. It’s important that we should continue to be optimistic; it's hard to beat a person who never gives up.

            “If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself.”

            You can and should learn from everyone, be it a crook or a saint. Every life is a story filled with lessons ripe for the picking.

                                   “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”

            Whatever you do, do it with everything, or don’t do it at all. To succeed in life requires your very best, give you’re very best, and you will live without regrets.
            These are just some of the powerful life lessons from Confucius teachings. It may be simple, but it’ll be hard to achieve if no one has the heart to appreciate and exercise his teachings on the daily basis. The analects wasn’t just all about life, one thing that is also significant in the book is Confucius political ideology.

            Confucius taught the great political ideology of the power of example to rulers and political bodies. Rulers and politician, he said, can be great only if they themselves lead exemplary lives, and were they willing to be guided by moral principles, their states would inevitably become prosperous and happy.
            The Confucian view is that political leaders should be the most talented and public-spirited members of the community, and the process of choosing such leaders should be meritocratic, meaning that there should be equal opportunity for the best to raise the top.
            To sum it up, Confucius' teachings are gems that are priceless. These life lessons are one of the few things that money can’t buy. It covers all aspects of life. It is notable at imparting not just simple life lessons----but life changing experiences that anyone can relate to. All in all, the book aimed to teach one great lesson, and that is to act with courage and integrity, be thorough, chart your own path and learn continuously.
Saturday, January 4, 2013 (2:34am)


To the person who left me hanging,

 I just want you to know that I’ve been lying here all day, listening to some old songs, talking to my heart and trying to explain why sometimes I catch myself wondering what might have been –what could have been different if I had just said it.

 You know what? I’m mad at myself, not at you. I’m mad for always being too nice, for making you my life, depending heavily on you, wasting my entire time on you, thinking about you, always forgiving you, still dreaming of you, for getting too attached on you, and most of all… for not hating you –which I know I should… but I simply can’t. ‘Coz the truth is, I still have feelings for you. And no matter how many times I tell myself that I’m better off without you, a part of me just won’t let go.

 I thought I’ve already moved on. But I guess that’s life. There will always be faces you can never look at without any emotion and there are names you can never hear spoken without that same old feelings returning. And just when you think you can already move on, you’ll remember all the countless reasons why you held on so long.

 It’s so frustrating that everything I did today reminded me of you and every song I heard somehow is related to you. You know what? You are that one person, the person who left me without reason and have forgotten to close the door.

 Honestly, I wanted the night-to-dawn phone calls back. I wanted the quick replies once more. I wanted the feelings to be mutual again. I just wanted to have things the way they once were. But it’s not going to happen, and it’s hurting me inside. I wish I could have hurt you before you hurt me.

 I want to scream, and I want to cry. Coz I hate that you go of me before I even got to say goodbye and I hate that you’re the one thing I want the most but couldn't have.

 But somehow I know we’ll meet again, not quite sure where and not sure when, but I hope and I pray that if when that time comes…I can already smile again…’coz you are not here in my heart anymore.

Sincerely yours,
The person you left hanging

Friday, December 27, 2013 (4:15 pm)

     Who doesn’t want to have a good luck next year? I guess all of us, regardless the nationality want to have a bountiful time every New Year, that’s why we still carry on practices from our grandparents, which we strongly believe can bring us fortune.

     Filipinos in particular, have plenty of beliefs and practices which are associated and believed to bring good luck, fortune, and prosperity in the New Year.

    Filipinos from now and then still do that practices every year, because for them, breaking up with tradition is like giving up one’s comfort zone. So people observe them whether or not they make sense.

          Here are some of the New Year traditions in the Philippines:

  1.   Wear clothes with polka dot prints
          Filipinos believe that dots symbolize coins and the practice is supposed to invite money in the coming year. Aside from this, those clothes must also have a deep pocket and filled with money bills and coins and jingled it at the stroke of midnight for good luck.

      2. Make your new year’s resolutions
          This is a tradition where you must write your vows to work harder, study harder, exercise more, give up vices and generally try to be a better person than you were during the previous year. But unfortunately, some people never seem to actually stick to them.

  3. Prepare fancy foods
          Filipinos believe that pancit or noodles must be cooked for the media noche because it signifies long life, as are eggs signifying new life. Traditional delicacies made from malagkit like biko must also be prepared so good fortune will stick around throughout the year. Others also believe that sweets like cakes, fruit cocktails and etc. must be prepared to maintain the sweetness and friendliness of all family members all throughout the year.
          Meanwhile chicken are not served, because Filipinos believed that chickens beg for food, and they don’t want to have to scrounge for food in the coming year. Pork is said to be a lucky food to eat on the New Year.

  4. Fill in your wallet with money
          Many believe that whatever condition your wallet is in when the New Year arrives, so it will be the rest of the year. So Filipinos always make sure to put in the money they received on Christmas to have fortune the whole year.
          Also, they’ve been practicing to not start the year off by spending money. Frugality on the first day sets the tone for wise money management in the coming year.

   5.  General Cleaning before new year strikes
          Filipinos spend the last days of the year vigorously cleaning everything, especially of dust. However, on the first day of the New Year, you are not supposed to do any cleaning. No cleaning on New Year’s Day itself because as they say, you might sweep away the good fortune that came in on New Year's Eve.

     6. Prepare 12 round fruits
          These round fruits also symbolize money; Filipinos prepare 12 fruits, for each month of the coming New Year. Twelve round fruits should be on the table as it is a sign of prosperity for the next twelve months. They believe that if you have a complete set of 12 fruits, then good luck will come on your way in the coming year!

          Meanwhile, here are some of the New Year traditions in the Philippines when the clock strikes at 12 midnight:

1.    Make some noise!
          At the strike of 12:00 midnight, Filipinos make very deafening noise! Church bells ring, firecrackers rule the sky, kids gaping in awe as they see the different colorful firecrackers, blooming in the sky. The banging and booming rise to a climax which includes clanging of old pots and pans, blowing jeep, car or tricycle horns. Empty cans are also dragged all around and the famous torotots are blown. Filipinos believe that this is the perfect way to scare away evil spirits.

2.    Open all doors and windows, turn on all lights         
          All doors must be left wide open to allow good luck to enter. This includes cupboards, drawers, cabinets and windows! Lights and other appliances should also be turned on to attract luck and good spirit.

3.    Scatter coins around the house
             Filipinos scatter coins in every corner of their houses when New Year comes, in this way, they believe that this practice will let money and good fortune overflow in the coming year!

4.    Fill up the cupboards especially with basic food stuff
             Basic food stuffs like rice, salt and sugar should be placed around the house to make sure that the families will never have scarcity for food in the coming year.

5.    Jump twelve times!
    This practice is the most popular for kids. But there are also adults who do this whether for fun or because they take it seriously. To jump twelve times for them means they will get taller next year. The higher you jump the taller you grow.

6.    Media Noche
    As soon as the noise stops the family starts to eat a thanksgiving feast called Media Noche, it is believe that we should put as much food on the table so that next year you will have food all year round.

          But with or without these rituals we practice since we were young, the most important thing to do this New Year is to thank God for all the blessings He had showered upon us for the previous years and still thank him for the blessings He will give to us for the coming years.

          Simple or extravagant festivity doesn’t matter, as long as the family is together, that makes a great and prosperous New Year celebration!

Thursday, December 26, 2013 (11:10 pm)

          Despite the devastation and trauma they experienced due to super typhoon Yolanda, the people of Tacloban City are still not losing the Christmas spirit, proving the whole world that not even the strongest typhoon can dampen the Filipino fortitude.
       2013 has been a tough year for the Philippines. Various natural and man-made calamities battered the country, from failed siege in Zamboanga City by members of the Moro National Liberation Front-Nur Misuari group to the 7.2 magnitude killer earthquake that hit the provinces of Cebu and Bohol and just recently, super typhoon ‘Yolanda’ that devastated Eastern Visayas.
          When Typhoon Yolanda made landfall in the Philippines, it did more than just ravage towns, villages, and lives in the six central islands it swept through, it changed things forever, not just here in the Philippines, but all over the world.
       The whole world witnessed the vast destructions brought by the super typhoon in Tacloban City, the hardest-hit area. We learned of about the thousands of people who were killed and were affected by the strongest cyclone ever recorded. We saw the catastrophic smash up on houses, churches, schools, government buildings, electric posts and all structures that met the eye of the typhoon.
       But Philippines wasn’t alone in its darkest hours, kind hearted people helped the victims not only from fellow Filipinos but also from all over the world. The victims in return thanked the generous donors. And despite the unfortunate event, Filipinos showed the entire world that their faith in God is not destroyed; Yolanda is a powerful typhoon but their Faith is stronger which Yolanda cannot destroy.

          A month after the tragedy, the people of Tacloban City are celebrating the holiday season with greater hope and resilience. The need for a sense of normality is evident throughout the city.

          Ten power-generated lanterns can be seen shining brightly at the Santo Nino Church - one of the few buildings with electricity in Tacloban and a 17-meter Christmas tree has been erected in front of Tacloban’s city hall, creatively decorated with used water bottles and iron pipes left behind by the storm.

        Groups of neighbors could also be seen putting up a Christmas tree made out of  recycled things and debris left behind by the typhoon. In the Palo Central Elementary School in Leyte, colored plastic bottles are hanged on a tree while Christmas cards with thank-you messages were painted on walls. In some shopping centers in the city that resumed operation after the tragedy, Taclobanons can be seen flocking to buy gifts and Noche Buena items.

        Even though most of the people affected by the typhoon are still entirely dependent on aid and will miss out on eating lechon and fancy foods that usually crown their Christmas feast, even if some have no longer houses and will be celebrating Christmas in the halls and classrooms that still serve as evacuation centers, and without the usual gift-giving, the Taclobanons intend to celebrate Christmas along dark roads and amid ruin, with bonfire, laughter and hope. Christmas spirit remains alive in their hearts.

       Survivors have taught us that it's possible to overcome impossible circumstances when you put up a fight. They reminded us all that we should never lose hope and faith to God and we must always remember “After the rain comes a rainbow”.

        Indeed, the typhoon-proof Filipino spirit showed by these people will make the city and the province rise again.


Saturday, December 21, 2013 (8:09 pm)

Sa mundo kung saan may apat na sulok ang kwarto, malalapad ang mga dingding at may isang blackboard na kulay green, mahirap mabuhay –lalo na kung wala kang papel.

Sa klase ng mundong ginagalawan ni Juancho, marami ang walang papel. Lahat ay uhaw na maisulat ang iba’t ibang kwento ng hamon ng buhay, lahat gutom sa isang pad paper na yellow ang kulay. Ang yellow paper na ito ay sinasamba ng mga taong desperadong makamit ang tagumpay, pinupuri at pinagpupugay ng mga taong umaalab ang mga damdamin na salat at walang masulatan ng mga hinaing sa buhay.

Nagtataglay ito ng malakas na kapangyarihan –kapangyarihang kayang pagdikitin ang langit at lupa, may kakayahang manaig ang kabutihan laban sa kasamaan –at higit sa lahat, kayang baguhin ang ugaling anumang kubli ang gawin dito upang maitago, ay hindi maaring sa isang iglap ay magbago.

Napapaamo nito ang lahat ng magagaspang na ugali, napapabait ang maiitim na budhi, napapaluhod ang mga taong pinatigas ng pride ang kalooban at nagiging kaibigan lahat ng kaaway na sinumpang kailanman ay hindi na lalapitan.

Kapag ito ay nasulatan, kailangan mo na itong panindigan. Kailangan mo itong maipasa, buong buhay mo dito na nakasalalay…wala na itong atrasan. Ang pulang marka na galing sa tinta ng taong hinayaan mong kontrolin ang buhay mo, at paikutin ka sa gusto nilang maging takbo ng mundo, ay ang nagsisilbing hatol sa mapait na pinagdaanan bunga ng pagsamba sa papel –ang papel na pinagkatiwalaan mong isasalba ka sa mapait na katotohanang pinabayaan mong maiwan ang isang bagay na sa kanila’y dapat abot langit mong pinapahalagahan.

Sa mundong malaki ang ginagampanan ng dilaw na papel, lahat nagkukumahog para ang mga sarili nila ay maisalba. Kung ikaw ay pabaya, mapaglilipasan ka, kung ikaw ay kukupadkupad, mauubusan ka. Kaya kung nais mong mabuhay sa mundong pinaiikot ka sa sarili nilang kagustuhan, pilitin mong pahalagahan ang sariling dilaw na papel na simbolo daw ng iyong magiging kahihinatnan.

Kahit ang damdamin ay kumakawala, ang utak ay nagsasabing hindi ito tama, na sa paglaban ay parang wala namang mapapala, naniniwala akong si Juancho na ang apelyido ay Pagbabago ay tatayo, maninindigan, lalaban at patutunayang ang isang pad ng papel ay maaring sulatan …pero hindi kailanman ito ang magdidikta sa kung ano man ang ating maaring magiging kinabukasan.

Saturday, December 21, 2013 (12:00 AM)


             Hey you, you are beautiful.

          When we talk about beauty in people, we often refer to their physical attractiveness. Of course, a beautiful face is pleasing to look at. Flawless skins and trim figures would give you the impression of beauty.
          But even if you don’t possess any of these, you are beautiful!
          Even without an ultra-thin figure, perfect hair, perfect make-up, and perfect smile, you are beautiful!
          Even if you’re not the kind of girl who will turn heads, you are beautiful! 
          Even if you’re not the one who will look photogenic in every angle, you are beautiful! 
          And even if you would not get a hundred likes on every single selfie you upload on the Internet, you are beautiful!
          Believe me, even if the world will try to tell you otherwise, you are still beautiful!     
          Why? Because true beauty is beyond just the outward appearance, it’s the way you do, the way you think, that makes you beautiful! It is not only something that pleases the eyes, but also pleases the mind.
          From the very start, you are already made beautiful by God! He created you in His own image. He gave you your eyes, your height, your hair, and your personality. God has given you beauty that far balances your flaws.
          You don't need to overdo it with the makeup, ‘coz true beauty is more than skin-deep. You cannot be only admired for your physical appearance; you are admired for your inner qualities.
          You don’t need to flaunt your physical attributes by wearing scantily clad outfits just to be attractive, ‘coz if you dress in a modest, feminine way…that makes you attractive. You are not only then can be seen beautiful, you can also gain honor and respect from those who sees you.
          You don’t need to converge entirely, forcing yourself up on achieving your desired body vital statistics, ‘coz having to know your strength that will help you to enhance your confidence, having a true heart and being a real person are enough to show the whole world the beauty inside you.
          You don’t need to keep on uploading selfies on your Facebook or Instagram account just to shout it out that “Hey! I’m pretty (with approximately five filters)” ‘coz if you try to make a difference in how you see yourself in the mirror, people will notice how beautiful you are.
          You will always be beautiful if you are aware of your true potential. If you just keep your mind and eyes open of your true self, and everything that surrounds you, make wise decisions and put your faith and self-confidence in everything you do, then you’re indeed the most beautiful creation in the world!
          So who says you are not beautiful? You know the truth. Don’t listen to their lies. You are beautiful and you are worth the whole world!

Now playing: “Who Says” by Selena Gomez

P.S You are beautiful. Don’t ever forget it. :)
Friday, December 20, 2013 (1:45 pm)

            It’s true that friends are the most important persons in our lives. And sometimes, we cannot live without them.

            They are people with whom we do not have any blood relation, but we have one heart, and are connected by feelings. They are the people who we know for ages, or even if we don’t, we feel like we were born on the same day.

              They play a very significant role in our existence. They can change us, influence our decisions and teach us news things. They can even make us a better person and fulfill every need we ought.

            Everybody has his or her own circle of friends. But they always fall into a few key categories, and though we love them all, they’re all valuable in many different ways.

         Though our friends differ and come in all shapes and sizes, there are still remarkable personalities of a friend that we can see in common regardless what kind of circle of friends we may belong to.


            This is a type of friend whom you can trust to let out all your dramas and difficulty in life without judgment, and without interrupting to offer advice, ‘coz listening does not entail giving advice (not until you ask for it). Sometimes, this type of friend is also someone you can trust totally with your deepest and darkest secrets, knowing full well that they would not share it with anyone else.

            This friend is the perfect person whom we can speak to when we need an ear willing to hear us in order to lessen the burden we go through even when there may not be any solutions to problems.


            A type of friend who makes us laugh out loud, big-time. This friend never ceases to entertain and may at times inspire us, for better or for worse. Sometimes, parties and getaways, without this type of friend, are somewhat dull. At times, this type of friend masterminds all crazy pranks.

            This friend is the perfect person whom we can hang out with whenever days are boring and we need a clown to brighten up our moods.


            A type of friend who will not always tell you what you want to hear, but they’ll certainly tell you what you need to know. This friend is someone we really appreciate even if their painfully true to us because we can always count on them to be the one person in our life that tells everything to us straight.

            This friend is the perfect person whom we need when in doubt about our decisions in life. This kind of friend provides us a clear mirror to advise us, also this friend allows us to look in the mirror and see the reflection of how we really are.


            The type of friend who makes us tick and help us become the person we want to be. He/she encourages us to reach for our dreams! This friend is not literally a part of a cheer leading group, he/she is considered as cheer leader because this friend supports you all throughout, whatever decision you would come up.

            There are always periods in our life when we feel down or maybe a little bit depressed, this friend would be there for us to support and encourage us to do things and to make us feel better.


            A type of friend who can't really read our minds, but chances are he/she can usually tell when we are happy, sad, excited, shocked or upset. If this friend is aware that he/she is doing something that annoys you, this friend try to change hi/her ways or at least talk to you about it.

            This friend is the perfect person whom we can count on to whenever we feel we’re not true about ourselves anymore—in times of great confusion. Like the brutally honest friend, this friend also allows us to look in the mirror and see the reflection of how we really are.


            The type of friend who knows practically everything!  It’s like hi/her mind has an encyclopedic knowledge of everything in the world. But despite having this unique ability, this type of friend keeps things neutral and non-inflammatory whenever he/she hangs out with the group. This friend also openly reveals his crazy and dark side, to downplay own intelligence at times.

            This friend is the perfect person whom we can run to whenever we have problems in our homework or any academic difficulties. This friend would generously share his/her knowledge to us.


            The friend who always has his/her open arms for us. This friend always offers a big hug to us whenever we need comfort. He or she will always care for you no matter what problem we have and will give us the necessary support to reach our certain aims.

            This friend is the perfect person whom we can run to in good and bad situations.


            A type of friend who generously treats the group most of the time, without asking anything in return. This friend probably has millions inside his/her pocket! The group usually depends on this type of friend whenever they go out on a trip.

            This friend is the perfect person whom we can run to whenever we have financial problems. But of course, we shouldn’t limit this friend only to financial aspects, surely, this friend also has qualities that we can depend on whenever we need someone to be on our side.


            Unlike the big spender friend described above, this type of friend is very frugal. He/she never spends a single centavo to treat the group, because money, for this kind of friend, should be spend wisely. This friend, at many times, would like sharing his/her sense of money, whenever the group would hangout.

            Not everyone is cut out for a life of frugal living, that’s why this friend is the perfect person that can set an example for us to value money.

            Our friends are people in our lives that never fade, leave us, or give up on us. Their mere presence in our lives can give us the much-needed boost, strength, and self-esteem to keep us going on. Without them, perhaps our lives would be pretty dull, boring, and uninteresting.

            We may have different types of friends, but though they have differences, the most important thing is that, they all balance us out and teach us new things. They can make us a better person and fulfill every need we could possibly have in a friend.


Saturday, December 7, 2013 (12:37 pm)
      Everybody wants a love story like in the movies or in fairy tales---even me. But true love isn’t at all like the movies. All these things aren't real.

       We live life hoping for a happily ever after, because Cinderella and Prince Charming did. We live life wishing that there will be a guy out there for us that will want to sing us a song, write us a poem or whatever it is, ala Ryan Gosling of The Notebook.

        We live life desiring to wake up one day with ‘love's first kiss’ and prove that true love conquers all, resembling Aurora in Sleeping Beauty. And we live life longing for a love that will last forever, similar to Landon’s unconditional love for Jamie in A walk to Remember.

              But these are just fairy tales fed to us by Disney and Nicholas Sparks.

       These movies are instilling a twisted sense of the "perfect" relationship within people, providing unrealistic expectations about love. These films are oversimplifying the process of falling in love, and are wrongly giving the impression that it could and should be achieved without any effort at all.

       In real life, we live in a planet called Earth where our Fairy Grandmothers stopped existing when we were seven. No one can really endure too much cruelty from wicked stepsisters, and can the bear the never-ending chore list from an evil stepmother.

        Real life is messy and complicated, and men are not as perfect as you may seem to imagine. No one’s too good to be true. Guys are rarely waiting for you for seven years, building your dream house.

        The world will continue on living while you sleep, and a simple kiss can’t save you from coma. Time won’t wait for you and you won’t have a whole castle that will fall asleep with you.

        In reality, there’s no special way love forms…Sometimes, it just happens without someone taking our breath away. It can happen without experiencing the famous slow motion…it can occur without getting your heart skip a beat.

        Love has no beginning, middle and end, not like in the movies. It’s a series of unpredictable, confusing, exciting, and yet so scary happenings. It doesn’t only last for an hour or two. It can last for years and beyond.

        In real life, there's no such thing as happily ever after. If you want to be happy, you must work on it. It always comes with no guarantees. We can make all the plans we want. But, until things actually happen, we truly do not know how things will turn out.

        Unlike movies, we don't always get the chance of a happy ending. Just because you love someone so much, doesn’t mean they are the right one for you. But we do make the decisions that lead to it.

        Love is not like the action movies where we can just wait for someone to rescue us. We can never have a knight and shining armor that can save us from mighty dragons anytime. Because in real life, we need to do things for ourselves, and we need to rescue the people we love too.

        At the end of the day, life is about writing your own story, living your own emotions, and loving every bit of it. Being a dreamer can turn our life into a flight of fantasy. But you should never be carried away with your emotions ...‘coz life is much more than movies.

        I’m not writing this to discourage you…or to blow the light of hope in you heart on finding Prince Charming in your life. Reality is, we are all searching for Prince Charming, but we should not live in a fairy tale world. ‘Coz when you live in a fantasy world that the movies create, you shut off reality and ruin your chance to meet the real guy who can offer you a real romance. That guy doesn't have to be as perfect as Prince Charming...what matters is...he EXISTS.

----Yay! The reason why I wrote this: I was inspired by KC Concepcion’s song entitled Not Like The Movies and a poem I recently read.

Tuesday, December 4, 2013 (1:17 am)

What does it mean to be happy? What is it that makes us feel that certain kind of feeling that none of us can really put a finger on? 

Happiness is a simple word, but difficult to define and live out. If you are going to ask the brainy ones on what that word mean…you would prefer to get a roll of tissue because you would end up getting a nosebleed.

        Scientists define happiness as an experience that we know it occurs when there are certain levels of different chemicals in our brains that trigger a response somewhere in our nervous system, and we feel that thing we call as “happy.” But who cares about those chemicals? Do we need to find out its scientific classifications and compounds just to justify what it really means to be happy?

Practically speaking, “Happiness” is just a word that can be found on the dictionary. So why make a big deal out of it? Why lay great care about it?

But how come that simple word bring so much impact on our lives? What does that word really denote? Why is it that when you feel happy, that’s all there is. Why does it take control of everything else? And when is the time that we consider ourselves as truly happy?

It seems to me that our main purpose in life is too seek for happiness and give it to those people who badly need it. It is not ready-made, that’s why you have to search for it. It doesn't come from anywhere else, but it comes from your own action. It doesn't depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience and freedom in all just pursuits.

          You have to feel it for yourself. You need to figure it out in your own way, and not let anybody else tell you what it means. You have to answer it for yourself and learn it for yourself. The key is you!

Therefore, happiness is a powerful emotion that can’t be entirely defined by words. It can’t be something superficial, or something that only lasts for a day or two. It’s something that affects your entire system…your complete well-being…your whole life! It lasts a lifetime. It comes from inside of you. That can be perhaps, the appropriate way to describe it.

But the question left hanging is…when is the time that we consider ourselves as truly happy? Honestly, the answer to that question is based on your true self. We all have different ways to know when is the time that we get to feel that bliss.  

A general answer could be, that particular time when you feel that there’s no stress or anxiety. That time when you feel that your heart is free from hatreds and your mind is free from worries.

No one can really tell you the formula to attain complete happiness. But you can be able to feel it if you just get rid of all the doubts and go for it! Your mind is your worst enemy, thinking too much only leads to problems that can hinder you to become happy, it would only create problems that weren't there in the first place. So you should try to forget all the reasons why being happy won’t work and believe the reason why it will.

If you want to be happy, then open all your doors, step outside, and take a good look at the world you live in. Live your life, take chances, and be crazy because right now is the oldest you’ve ever been and the youngest you’ll ever be.

        You should all do everything that will make you happy as long as you live because life is faster than you think.

Go find what makes you happy!

Monday, November 25, 2013 (11:34 pm)
      “Why does God allow the righteous to suffer?” That is certainly the question Job raises, but it is worthy to note that he himself never received a direct answer. There is nowhere in the book that Job learned the reason for his suffering. He was never made aware that God calculates him as righteous. Does God truly make us righteous or does he merely declare us righteous?
     Job’s dilemmas begin when God presented him to Satan the devil as a model of excellence of virtue. According to God, “There’s no one like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil” (Job 1:8). God allowed Satan to distress Job.
      Clearly, God was not punishing Job for sin. God himself said that Job is “blameless and upright.” Job suffered because he is the best of men, not because he is the worst.
       Suffering is the hardest problem one could ever meet. In Job’s life, he experienced suffering the most awful way. He underwent physical suffering, mental pain and misery, and the sense of being alone.
       Satan did all evil actions to distress the mighty believer. Life has gone senseless and crazy for Job. Job’s tragic circumstances challenged and contradicted everything he has always believed about God as an awarder of the good.
      While Job’s questions and complaints often come close to charging God with wrong, he never overlapped the line and humbly submitted to God when told that the answers to his questions are beyond his ability to understand. This shows us how the righteous should bear up under suffering.
     God’s existence is not in question for Job. He knows that somewhere in the universe God must be alive. Still trusting in God as his Advocate, Job insisted, “I know that my Redeemer lives” (Job 19:25).
   The book  have conveyed significant messages. It imparted a message that Man is unable to subject the painful experiences of human existence to a meaningful analysis - God’s workings are beyond man’s ability to measure. And that Man simply cannot tie all the “loose ends” of the Lord’s purposes together. We must learn to trust in God, no matter the circumstances. 
     Suffering is not always the result of personal sin - The mistaken conclusion drawn by Job’s friends is that suffering is always a consequence of sin. Job proved this is not the case.
  Suffering may be allowed as a compliment to one’s spirituality - God allowed Job to suffer to prove to Satan what kind of man he really was.
    Perhaps God allows these things to happen in order to draw more people to come to a greater good.Perhaps God permitted suffering to manifest the eternal glory. Perhaps God agrees the test of suffering to build character in the person involved.
   We must never think that following God means no trouble or suffering. Suffering is a terrible experience. But God can use the experience of suffering for good. Job’s experiences can explain why righteous people may go through discouraging and traumatic times and be tempted to dislike God for not obviously and quickly intervening on their behalf. Like Job, we can fail to understand that God sees far more than we see.
    No matter how difficult a trial is, we should never assume that God isn’t listening or He doesn’t care at all. He sees lessons we need to learn that are beyond our present understanding.

Monday, November 25, 2013 (11:12 pm)

Si Intoy ang bihasa sa lahat ng mga magtatahong sa Kalye Marino sa lungsod ng Cavite. Tinatawag siyang “Intoy Syokoy” ng mga tao dahil para nga raw itong isang syokoy na nakakataglal sa Ilalim ng dagat na parang may hasang ito tulad sa isda. At kahit bagong ligo pa siya ng tabang na tubig , huwag lang pagpawisan ng kaunti ay amoy dagat agad siya. Pinaglilingkuran niya ang kaniyang amo na si Mang Amor.

Isang araw ay tinamaan ng mga alig ang mga tahungan ng mga tao sa kanilang lugar. Bilang magaling na manininisid at bihasang magtatahong, si Intoy ang inaasahan ng mga taong maglilinis at magsasalba sa kanilang tanging kabuhayan mula sa pesteng alig na dumadalas na ang dalaw bitong mga nakaraang taon.

Natutuwa si Intoy dahil kung maraming tinamaan ng alig, tiyak bukas at hanggat sa mga susunod na araw ay maraming may tahungang magpapalinis sa kaniya. Kikita siya ng malaki. Ngunit malungkot siya, dahil bukas o sa mga susunod na araw pa siya kikita…ngayon niya kailangan ng pera! At ngayon sana niya aanihin ang sarili niyang tanim na tahong na pasikreto niyang ginawa. Matatapos nasana ang kaniyang paghihintay at magkakaayosnasana sila ni Doray. Kursunada ni Intoy si Doray kahit noong mga bata pa lamang sila kahit alam niya at ng buong Kalye Marino ang trabahong paglalako ng ‘tilapya’ o katawan ni Doray sa mga parukyano at maging sa mga mangingisda. Nagustuhan niya ito dahil mabait si Doray sa kaniya dahil maliban kay Berto ay ito lang ang nagtitiyagang makinig sa kaniyang mga kwento at pantasya.

Kaya siya namomroblema ngayon kung saan kukuha ng pera ay dahil may usapan sila ni Doray. Gusto niyang dalihin ang ‘tilapya’ ni Doray. Hindi niya alam kung gusto ba niyang mahalin o anuhin lang ang babae. O baka naman mahalin at aanuhin din pagkatapos. Isang gabi ay nakita niya si Doray na nilalako ang kaniyang ‘tilapya’ sa mga parukyano. Gustong sumabay ni Doray sa kaniyang pag-uwi at pinagbigyan naman niya ito.

Nagulat si Intoy sa tinuran ng dalaga, marahil ay nasabi na ni Berto dito ang tungkol sa kaniyang balak kay Doray. Hindi niya alam kung matutuwa siya o magagalit sa kaibigang washer. Hindi rin niya alam kung nakikipag-syota na ba sa kaniya si Doray o simpleng pinaglalakuan lang siya ng ‘tilapiya’ nito.Hindi nakatulog si Intoy sa gabing iyon nang sabihin ni Doray na pupuntahan siya nito sa bahay niya. Marami sana siyang balak. Bibili sana siya ng makakain at aayusin ang sarili upang sa ganoon ay  hindi nakakahiya kay Doray. Ngunit ngayon ay pinatay nag mga alig ang sagot sa mahabang pag-hihintay na iyon ni Intoy. Wala siyang pera. Wala siyang ibabayad kay Doray. Ngunit paano kung gusto pala siya ng babae at hindi ito nagpapabayad?

Gabi, salamat sa paunang bayad na isangdaang piso sa kaniya ng amo, nakabili siya ng pandesal at mantikilya. Pero hindi nakahanda si Intoy. Hindi pa siya naliligo dahil sa mag-hapon na paglilinis sa tahungan. Nakaupo siya at makikita ang mahapding sugat sa kamay. Naramdaman niya bigla ang langitngit ng tulay na kawayan. Nakita ni Intoy si Doray na iniluwa ng dilim na bagong paligo. Naikwento niya dito ang nangyari sa tahungan at ang pesteng mga alig. Nagulat na lamang siya at hinawakan ni Doray ang kaniyang kamay at sinuri ang sugat. Hinalikan ito ng babae at inakay siya paloob sa bahay.

Monday, November 25, 2013 (10:56 pm)

Lie to me is a typical love story, actually while watching it, there are a lot of Drama and Comedy. Even though it’s an asianovela, the script writers who translated it in our language really did and extended much effort. It’s ordinary yet it’s a special drama. To think that i’ve only watched the first two episode, the plot is not something out of usual.

The script writer most probably based its story to the “traditional” Three Act Structure of any story wherein there is ACT ONE – THE SET-UP (Boy Meets Girl), ACT TWO – CONFRONTATION (Boy Loses girl – fights to get her back) and ACT THREE – RESOLUTION (Boy Gets Girl). The main theme which everything starts from a lie seemed interesting at the beginning, but then as the story moved on it became typical as other dramas. The plot is familiar however, the characters and their circumstances are quite different and so it is still refreshing to watch and to anticipate what is to happen. It has a lot of twists and romantic scenes that every teenager and adults would enjoy.

I consider this show as “mabenta” to the adults, maybe the script writer decided to create this story because of what most adults are experiencing nowadays that because of peer pressure, you will be forced to do something unusual just to satisfy them, and satisfy your pride as well. Actually, the story is about a woman in her mid 20s lying that she was forced into marriage and then a lot of things happen after that. I think the main aim of the script writer is to inspire us and make us fall in love with the characters and the story. The story itself is something exciting to look forward to every episode for the twists.

Saturday, November 25, 2013 (7:56 pm)


Saturday Episode of MMK? That gives me goosebumps. This one is really an alarming issue. Despite many successes in empowering women, numerous issues still exist in some areas of life, this episode shows how disturbing and heavy it is that few girls at a very young age nowadays are victims of different forms of sexual violence.

MMK FEATURES LIFE STORY OF YOUNG GIRL RAPED IN FRONT OF HER MOM. Beauty is a blessing for most women, but not for Nene, who because of her beautiful face and body was sexually abused several times, it brought her to misfortunes. Nene’s life story will be featured in Maalala Mo Kaya this Saturday (June 2) topbilled by former Goin’ Bulilit child star Jane Oineza. At the young age of 15, Nene (Jane) was recurrently raped by her stepfather. But her world drastically changed when her mother even assisted her live-in partner in the act of rape. Since then, Nene cursed the beauty that she possesses. How can someone who lost her self-respect regain her love for herself?

Together with Jane in the MMK episode are Angel Aquino, Carlos Morales, RS Francisco, Vangie Labalan, Ana Abad Santos, Archie Alemania, Gerald Madrid, Jacko Benin, Kyline Alcantara, Liz Alindogan, Jesette Prospero, Minco Fabregas, and Elaine Quemuel. It was researched by Mae Rose Balanay, written by Benson Logronio, and directed by Nuel Naval. Don’t miss another remarkable TV masterpiece this Saturday in the longest running drama anthology of Asia, “Maalaala Mo Kaya” (MMK), after “Wansapanataym” on ABS-CBN.
Monday, November 25, 2013 (8:34 am)

Popoy and Basha have been together forever. They’ve been the epitome of perfect relationship. At least that is what Popoy thinks.

Their love story started when they met as students in a university. Popoy was taking up Engineering while Basha was a freshman in Architecture. They have been inseparable ever since.

There is no Popoy without a Basha and vice versa. They are certain that they would get married someday and build a home together literally and figuratively. Architect Basha will design and plan their dream house while Engineer Popoy will be the one to build it. Everything is perfect.

But all the planning and dreaming eventually take a toll on Basha. Tired of trying to carve her own mark in the firm where they are both working, she suddenly tells him that she wants to resign and move to a smaller firm where she can be given a bigger chance to design on her own. Popoy is alarmed by Basha’s sudden decision. Basha tells him the problem that has been brewing inside her for the past year, the real reason why she wants to leave their company & she is tired of Popoy and their relationship. She feels that Popoy is all over her and that she hasn’t been given the opportunity to decide and plan for herself because Popoy already did everything. Popoy is speechless. Inside, he is devastated. That same night, Basha asks for a breakup. She tells him she needs the space to grow on her own.

Not knowing how to pick himself up after the love of his life leaves him, Popoy struggles to live his new life alone. Meanwhile, Basha resigns and transfers to a smaller firm where she begins to feel the freedom she’s been longing for. Popoy and Basha try to live without each other but the ties that bind them make it harder for both to move on. Their families and friends became constant reminders of the promises and dreams they had during their happier days.

Slowly, Popoy learns to pick up the pieces and discovers a life that he can call his own. But Basha’s journey proves to be more difficult, especially when she sees Popoy starting to date other girls. A part of her wants to get him back but a part also knows that she was the one who asked for this.

Opportunity knocks when Popoy’s aunt commissions them to build her house together. After feeling awkward around each other, Popoy and Basha eventually warm up. After all, five years of being together is hard to erase. Slowly and unconsciously, they fall into their old routines and find themselves enjoying each other’s company once again. Both realize how much they’ve missed each other yet both also recognize how much they’ve changed.

But Popoy knows too well that giving in would mean going back to how they were before. And he’s way too scared to get in the way of Basha’s growth once again, especially now that he has seen that she can do it alone.


Sunday, November 24, 2013 (11:59 pm)

Letting go has never been easy and holding on has always been difficult. Bakit? Eh Paano mo ba kasi makakalimutan ang taong lahat ng panahon mo binuhos mo sa kanya at halos sa kanya mo na pinaikot ang mundo mo pero hindi naman pala kayo magkakatuluyan sa huli. Ang hirap dumaan sa sitwasyong gumising ka na lang isang umaga, hindika na pala parte ng buhay niya. Wala ng text na bubungad sayo pagkagising mo palang ng ‘goodmorning babe, iloveyou’. Wala ng dahilan para makipaglaban sa antok ma-replayan lang siya ng ‘iloveyou too’.

Dito mo marerealize na ang puso,isang maliit lang naman na parte lang ng katawan natin. Pero pag nasasaktan, buong pagkatao mo naaapektuhan. Ang normal na araw sayo dati noong hindi mo pa siya nakilala, araw na lang ngayon na puno ng kalungkutan. Para kang napunta sa ibang mundo. Sa ibang dimensyon kung saan para kang nakakulong sa isang kwarto na hindi mo alam kung papaano kang makakalabas kasi wala kang makitang pinto o bintana.

Sabi nila madali naman daw kasimag-move on. It’s just simply removing “L” from “LOVER” and realize it’s “OVER” daw. Eh kung ganoon pala kadali edi sana walang nagpapakalasing para makalimot. Wala sanang emo na naglalaslas kasi iniwan, at wala sanang taong ginagawang tanga ang sarili wag lang siyang iwanan. Hindi yun isang simpleng pagkukunwari na hindi mo na siya mahal hoping na sana ito ay magkatotoo kahit para sayo parang katapusan na ng mundo. Ang hirap kasing kalimutan ang mga taong binigyan kanang masasayang mga sandali sa buhay mo.

Moving on is a not a simple process. Hindi yun isang simpleng pagsasabi sa sarili na “makakalimutan din kita”, pero sa dulo may SANA. It’s a process and you have to promise yourself that you’re really ready to let go. Okay lang umiyak, dahil yan ang effective na paraan to ease the pain after you drifted away from each other. Okay lang na magdrama ka kahit ilang segundo muna, pero pagkatapos mong umiyak, you should erase all the bitterness away.

Tanggapin mo na wala na talaga kayo. ACCEPTANCE is the key…isipin mong every EXIT is an entry to somewhere, balang araw magpapasalamat ka sa ginawa niyang pag iwan sayo dahil marami pang pagkakataon para mahanap ang totoong magmamahal sayo. You just have to give a chance to yourself to love again.  Kaya hindi dapat katakutan ang salitang “MOVE-ON” eh,  kasi hindi ka naman mamamatay sa salitang yun, pero mabubuhay ka pa ng mas MASAYA kapag nagawa mo yun.
Sunday, November 24, 2013 (11:03 pm)

 The Crime of Padre Amaro is one of the most controversial movies of all times. Roman Catholic groups in Mexico tried to stop the film from being screened.

There were scenes not suitable to the very young audiences. If you’re  a catholic then you can’t just help but to condemn the scenes and the movie as a whole as well. I guess, if there were no objectionable scenes, then the film would never have been criticized by the part of Roman Catholic groups in Mexico who tried to stop the film from being screened. I wouldn’t turn this piece into a rant, but with a film such as this, I realize it’s difficult not address the subject matter in a neutral, objective fashion. And having spent so much time in artistic fields, I pretty much know how most filmmakers feel about religion.

From the trailer itself, Love, Lust and Sin, there were a lot of sexual acts in the movie not suitable for the very young audiences. One example is, the controversy surrounding the film centers on the Padre’s decision to abandon his chastity for a pretty young girl. While the 16-year old Amelia supposedly seduces him — another sign of the town’s infectious corruption — the Padre barely offers any resistance and is, in fact, the one who arranges for the shag shack where they spend their afternoons. He is also the one who suggests Amelia don nothing but the Virgin’s satin cloak during one of their ‘sessions.’ Strangely, Bernal plays these scenes with little emotion at all, again leaving the viewer without any sign of inner turmoil. 
This makes it incredibly difficult to care for his character when he ends up having to take Amelia to get an abortion, and having to deal with the outcome. The movie shows the complexity of good and bad. Things are seldom black and white. Early in the movie Padre Amaro shows concern for the people, especially for a severely handicap daughter of the church’s sexton. But later in the movie, he uses her for his own purposes and to cover his tracks, fires her father, the sexton. He seems heartless at Amelia’s plight, but a spark of compassion again shows as she dies. The director might have done better making two movies. 
One could deal with issues of celibacy of the priest and illicit love affairs—Father Amaro’s movie. The other could deal with an even larger universal issue, a problem that exist beyond the church, in how we often compromise ourselves in our efforts at doing good. Father Benito, who justified receiving drug money by saying “I always thought you shouldn’t be too picky about money given for good purposes,” could be the star in this film which would examine the old “means justifies the ends” theme.
I guess not, because the scenes added curiosity for the viewers to be intrigued and for them to be much more interested in the story or movie. I guess the film is such an eye opener, I mean, there are a lot of sins a priest can commit, after all, they’re just like us, ordinary people. I’m not saying that the Catholic Church, or any institution are managed by imperfect people, is above criticism. After all, even in the modern era, scandal and corruption has occurred in the church. 
All in all, The Crime of Padre Amaro is a very engaging story, and as a film, I must say that, yes, it is very solid. It’s very powerful, and you’ll feel an emotional bond with the characters. And although it may be, in parts, accurate in pointing out corruption, hypocrisy, and human weaknesses within some of the most trusted elements in our communities, Carrera’s film seems to box all Catholics in general into this unfriendly corner. 
As a non-Catholic, even I think that’s a little unfair. This is a highly acclaimed and just as controversial, this foreign film was a huge hit in Mexico. It’s yet another high profile example of Catholic-bashing disguised as art. Based on its merits as a story, The Crime of Padre Amaro is certainly compelling and well-made. Director Carlos Carrera skillfully creates a “what-if” scenario that weaves politics, religion, corruption, and the dangers of moral fanaticism into a sobering tale of human weakness and tragedy. I must say that the end result is a believable-looking film, and the young Gael García Bernal gives a brilliant performance.

Sunday, November 24, 2013 (10:56 pm)


 “Tibay at lakas ng loob ang iaalay…para lang sayo! Nais kong malaman mong may karamay ka…nandito lang akooooo!”

 Halos mabingi na ang tainga ko dahil paulit-ulit na umaalingawngaw sa paligid ang kantang iyan saan mang sulok ako mapunta sa unibersidad. Nagtaka ako kung bakit. Tapos na naman ang palabas na Captain Barbel, pero bakit tila lahat ay na-last song syndrome sa kantang iyon? Napa-isip tuloy ako, pero nabatukan ko rin ang sarili ko. Oo nga pala, bakit ko ba nakalimutan? Katatapos lang pala ng CLL Concert! Muling nanariwa sa aking isipan ang mga eksena noong araw na iyon.

Lahat ay nabaliw kay Captain Barbel matapos itong magpakitang gilas sa entablado. At kahit sumemplang ito sa pagtalon, wa-epek sa mga tao, nakadagdag pa nga ito sa pogi points ng superhero. Pero hindi lang naman si Captain Barbel ang bumuo sa mga araw ng mga nagtitiliang manonood. Ang buong palabas mismo ang naging dahilan kung bakit nag-trending sa isipan ng mga estudyante ang nasabing konsyerto, at kung bakit ito naging laman ng usap-usapan ng mga iskolar ng bayan kinabukasan. Kahit nawalan kami ng pamasahe at pangkain matapos magbayad ng tiket, sulit na sulit naman iyon at kahit kumakalam ang aming simukra habang nanonood, wala kaming pakialam….mapanood lang si Captain Barbel—-ay este…ang mga taong nagpakita ng kakaibang talento sa CLL Concert pala, lalo na si Bb. Malaga! Para mapatunayang hindi lang ang gwapong tagapagligtas ang pinanood ko, narito ang aking reaksyon sa naganap na ‘UNKABOGABOL’ TALEN-TODO SA 2ENTE 5INGKO!

Noong una’y para kaming nakikipagpatayan sa pila dahil sobrang siksikan ang mga tao. Ika nga, pila pa lang blockbuster na. Laking pasasalamat naman namin at nakarating kami sa loob ng Gymnasium ng buhay. Nag-umpisa ang palabas sa nakakapangilabot na pambungad na dasal ni G. Rolly. Nakakahalina ang kanyang boses, kaya’t ako at natuwa. Doon pa lang, nasa-isip ko na, na magiging kakaiba ang palabas na ito. Matapos magbigay galang sa pagkanta ng ating Pambansang Awit, nagsimula na ito at nabusog ang aking mga mata sa makulay na palabas! Nakakita ako ng ibang ibang kultura at sayaw ng iba’t ibang bansa. Hindi ko naman akalain na ang gagaling at bigay todo kung gumiling at sumayaw ang mga propesor ng kolehiyong iyon (Makapag-shift na nga! Ha-ha). Kung may sayawan, siyempre, hindi mawawala ang kantahan. Natuwa naman ako at mga kantang pang-90’s ang tema ng programa, pasok iyon sa panlasa ko. 

Dahil kahit sa modernong henerasyon ako kabilang, ang puso ko naman ay para sa mga kantang napaglumaan na ng panahon. Ang kung may kantahan, siyempre, may sayawan ulit! Ang pinakatinilian nga ay ang numerong lumabas si Captain Barbel, Darna, at ang boksingero. Matapos iyon, may kantahan ulit ! Nagpakitang gilas ang mga propesor na biniyayaan ng magagandang boses, kumanta sila ng mga musikang pasok sa panlasa ng mga kabataan. Ang aking natandaan ay ang ‘Rolling in the Deep’, ‘Price Tag’ at ‘Bad Romance’. At ito pa nga, muling nagsigawan at nagtilian ang mga estudyante nang kumanta si Captain Barbel sa katauhan ni Sir Joey ng ‘Moves like Jagger’. Doon pa lang, pakiramdam ko, anumang oras ay magigiba ang Gymnasium sa sobrang lakas ng tilian. Instant artista si G. Clutario. Nagpakitang gilas ulit ang lahat sa huling numero ng konsyerto, dito ay ipinahayg nila ang taos-pusong pasasalamat sa lahat ng nanood.

           Sa kabuuan, kanina ko pa nga paulit-ulit na sinasabi, maganda talaga ang kinalabasan ng palabas. Sulit na sulit at sana may Part Two! Siguradong aabangan na ng mga iskolar ng bayan ang pagtatanghal nila ulit sa ika-26 na anibersaryo ng kolehiyo. Binabati ko ang kolehiyong ito ng maligayang ika- bente singkong anibersaryo! Nawa’ymagpatuloy kayong magbigay na kasiyahan….at KILIG, sa mga estudyante ng Politeknikong Unibersidad ng Pilipinas.

Saturday, November 23, 2013 (8:09 pm)


It’s typical for us students who are taking up Bachelor in Broadcast Communication to be tasked to write a library research paper.  Such an assignment often creates a great deal of unneeded anxiety in us student, which may result in procrastination and a feeling of confusion and inadequacy. But after all the hardships that we’ve been through in our journey in writing our library research, we realized the importance of this course. Writing a research paper is an essential aspect of academics, and should not be avoided on account of one’s anxiety. In fact, the process of writing a research paper can be one of the more rewarding experiences one may encounter in academics. What is more, many of us students will continue to do research throughout our careers.

Our topic was entitled ‘The Relationship between the Learning Styles of Students and the Teaching Techniques of Teachers for Better Classroom Discipline and Greater Student learning’. Since it’s just a Library Research, we chose that topic so that we’ll have no hard time looking and viewing for sources and other related literatures. True to it, when we surveyed the library, we found books and journals related to our chosen topic, same as when we searched on the internet. It’s not easy to write a research paper. In writing this kind of stuff, students should really carry on to themselves the virtue called Patience and a great pressure tolerance should be added. Students should not look at Research Papers as a stressing and depressing work. It doesn’t have to be that way. Looked at it properly, research papers can be a great way to deepen our understanding of our chosen field, and may be the first step towards developing a specialization that will serve us move into our career in advance.

To end this, we students should realize that research writing is part of our college life…we have no escape in this requirement. We just have to know how to handle it correctly. I guess the best trick you can use is to make you enjoy in writing this kind of stuff is to write about something that reflects your interests and truly fascinates you, something that you would want to know more about even if you hadn’tbeen assigned a paper.

Friday, November 22, 2013 (8:06 pm)


Gaano katindi ang love? Isipin mo, nagagawa nitong mapaghintay ang mainiping tao,masaktan ang manhid, maging sweet ang bitter, mapalambot ang matigas ang puso,mapatawa ang isang malungkot, gawing corny ang mga seryoso, mapatino ang mga basagulero, mapatawa ang mga suplado….at higit sa lahat…gawing tanga ang isang matalinong tao.

Ayokong mainlove…kasi sabi ni nanay, pag na-inlove ako, masisira raw ang kinabukasan ko. Kaya simula noong bata pa ako, itinanim ko sa utak ko na bawal ma-inlove. Pero iba nga talaga kapag puso na ang nagdikta. Magiging sunud-sunuran ka. Mapapako lahat ng pinangako mo sa sarili mo, masusuway lahat ng batas na ginawa mo, mabubura sa isip mo ang pananaw na pinanghahawakan mo….in-short…mawawalaka sa sarili mo, friend. Kung inaakala mong malakas ka, at kayang mong pigilan ang sarili mo sa mga bagay na ayaw mong mangyari, pagdating sa love, magugulat ka na lang at magiging alaipin ka nang puso mo. Ganoon kalupet ma inlove. Napakasarap na feeling…..pero pagkatapos mong maramdaman iyon, siguradong isusumpa mo na ang salitang Love….kasi, lahat may kapalit. Kapag dumating sa puntong nasaktan ka, iyon ang pinaka-malupet sa lahat. Dahil hindi mo na ulit papangaraping ma-inlove ulit. Isang bagay na ayaw na ng isip mo…ngunit patuloy namang umaasa ang puso mo ng kapalit.

Una sa lahat, Nababadtrip akong makakita ng dalawang mag-syota na naglalandian. Holding hands, may pabulong-bulong-giggle effect, nagsusubuan, at marami pang iba. Hindi dahil bitter ako dahil wala akong syota, pero naman, bakit pa ganoon sila ka showy? Bakit kailangang ipakita sa publiko? Ang sarap nilang sigawan ng : “Hoy! Mag-check in na nga lang kayo!”. Nakakaasar. I’m really against public display of affection. Pero inuulit ko…Hindi ako bitter. Sabi nila tatanda raw akong dalaga, dahil monster ako at man-hater. Duh, pwes hindi ako natatakot tumanda ng walang kasama. Monster daw ako dahil masama lagi ang tingin ko sa mga mag-syotang nakakasabay ko sa jeep na naghaharutan. Kung may batas lang na ipakulong lahat ng naglalandian, siguro ang dami ng napatawan ng death penalty.

Well, iyon ang opinion ko nung una….pero may isa akong kaibigan na nag-kwento ng kaniyang miserable love life. Well, kaibigan ko yun kaya kahit naririndi ako sa kwento nya, nakikinig pa rin ako. I suddenly got curious. Napaka-talino at napaka-disente niyang babae pero nabiktima siya ng malupit na hagupit ni Pag-ibig? Then I realized, hindi pala talaga mapipigilan ang pag-ibig. Hindi ko inakalang mapapabilang siya sa dumaraming populasyon ng mga broken hearted sa Pilipinas. At umabot pa sa puntong muntik na siyang mapabilang sa mortality rate. Buti na lang at napigilan….kundi….goodbye Philippines and Good bye world na.

Kaya kung ako ang masusunod, dapat maging mapanuri, mapagmatiyag, at huwag mapangahas (Matanglawin?!) tayo pagdating sa pag-ibig. Hindi lahat ng lalaki ay kasing bait at kasing buti ng iniisip mo, hindi lahat ng lalaking dadating sayo ay siya na ang Prince Charming mo (agad-agad?!). Looks can be damn deceiving! Dapat protektahan natin ang puso natin dahil sa mga taong walang pakialam sa nararamdaman nating mga kababaihan.

             Huwag kang mawalan ng pag-asa o mag-inarteng magpakamatay na lamang dahil broken hearted ka. Bulok na ang style na yan. Okay lang masaktan, friend. Minsan kasi kailangan ituro ng mundo sayo ang tama sa paraang masasaktan ka. Para tigilan mo na ang mali at malaman mo ang pagkakaiba ng dapat sa hindi dapat!

Friday, November 22, 2013 (7:56 pm)

Forty-four days of impeachment trial proceeding, and now, the senator judges came up with a solid decision—- to convict the highest officer on judiciary, the Chief Justice Renato Corona.

A total of twenty senator judges including the presiding officer Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile were in favor for conviction and three voted for acquisition, namely Sen. Joker Arroyo, Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago and Sen. Bongbong Marcos; that was the total votes garnered on the last historical impeachment trial (on SALN issue).

Even though a lot of people are rejoicing because the Chief Justice can now step down on his throne, I still stand that the accusations and allegations thrown and tossed on him were merely not worth impeachable. His unintentional mistake in jotting down his assets on his SALN (Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net worth) are simply not counted as ground for impeachment. I believe that his interpretation of the law on dollar accounts’ confidentiality is factual as well as the co-mingled fund account under his name, after all, he’s the Chief Justice, he knows the law more than anyone could.

Impeachment is a very complex issue. It’s a political process, not a political assassination. Ever since the impeachment trial heralded, we can see that he’s been condemned and tortured emotionally by people who are trying to fuel the issue. Others were throwing black propagandas on him and dirty tactics to ruin his reputation and name that he’s been shielding for ever since, even his family, the Corona Clan and the Basas issue on land and properties were all exposed up, bringing the family dispute back into life again after thirty long years.

Impeachment is a sensitive matter. The fact that the country’s Chief Justice, the highest official on judiciary is on trial, then the prosecution team and the complainants must present accusations that are worth impeachable. Indeed, it’s true that this matter is a one step away of violating the constitution.

Friday, November 22, 2013 (4:06 pm)


Social networking sites nowadays such as Facebook and Twitter are getting darker. Netizens were changing their display pictures to black wallpapers as their sign of protest for Republic Act 10175 also known as the Cybercrime Prevention Law.

For the record, thirteen senators voted to pass the law, namely, Sotto, Revilla, Villar, Lapid, Pimentel, Estrada, Legarda, Escudero, Lacson, Honasan, Cayetano, Marcos, and Recto.

The law particularly averts wrong and illegal doings of Netizens like hacking, system interference, cyber-squatting, identity theft, cybersex, spam, cyber child pornography and the most controversial online –libel.

If that’s the case, if you’ll post about your comment on the shameless doing of a certain politician, say for example telling his a corrupt and dishonest official, it could be classified as libel, which is defined in the Revised Penal Code as “the public and malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, status, or circumstance tending to cause the dishonor, discredit, or contempt of a natural or juridical person…”So what this one particularly wants is for us Netizens to be nice (which I doubt will never happen). What they want to hear are nice words and praises to Netizens who happens to use blogs, Facebook, and Twitter as a driving instrument to let the world know about their beefs and complaints on certain elected officials.  The law says, if you can’t say anything good, then you better shut up. That’s great for insignificant at minor issues but not when we’re talking about officials who use their position to take advantage of vulnerable people.

The law even punishes the ones who will ‘like’, or ‘share’ something it doesn’t like. Those who play a part in innocently spreading the libelous content shall be charged also for aiding libel. That means the act of hitting the “Like” button of Facebook or retweeting posts on Twitter may be labeled as unlawful as well.

Ramil Digal Gulle explained: “Interestingly, the Supreme Court of the Philippines has also ruled that even ironic, suggestive, or metaphorical language could be considered libelous. You don’t have to directly call someone a liar and a thief to get sued for libel. It’s enough to suggest it or state it sarcastically—as long as you do so in a public manner like posting on the Internet.” So even if you’re kidding around, if a person reports you’re being sarcastic and claims your posts are libelous, you could get arrested.

Another thing, under the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 the so-called “victims” and their lawyers “could argue in court that old libelous posts that are still live today can be charged with online libel, by keeping it there today, you’re still publishing it now. So if you’re still publishing it after the law took effect, then you’re liable for its publication today according to University of the Philippines College of Law Professor Atty. JJ Disini. So if you have mocking post on your foe about let’s say three years ago, you could end up going to jail for that.

One shocking fact about this law is that it has greater penalties. If you get nabbed for libel (not online) you just may spend maximum of 6 years in jail. But if you get charged for online libel, you may spend a maximum of 12 years in prison and be fined for about ₱1,000,000.

It’s so sad to hear that we, Netizens are deprived from freedom of speech. It’s important to note that we are bloggers, not terrorists. Expressing one’s thoughts is not a crime. Instead of having a Law for all the Filipinos that do net surfing, why doesn’t the Government focus on people who are starving?
Friday, November 22, 2013 (3:56 pm)

        The sun is scientifically considered as the ultimate source of light and energy. Even when darkness comes, it still gives its glories to the moon to light up our paths. If there is no sun, I bet sadness and blues will reign in the world. Why? Because the sun doesn’t just give light to the humankind, it also gives happiness and hope to whoever stares at this wonderful creation.

        When a person says that he reflects himself like a sun, he may be a source of radiant warmth and glory to the people surrounding him. In my case, I can say as a daughter that I am the sun of my parents, because I am their spring of laughter and happiness. I always see to it that whenever something is bothering them, I am in the way to make them feel better by calming them up and cracking up jokes on them. A good laugh is sunshine in the house. It’s a simple way to make them realize that everything’s going to be alright.

        As a friend, when it is dark, I will always carry the sun in my hand for you. The moment you’ll feel that the world is against you, and you’ll get confused on which path to choose, just believe in me, I will be there to light up your track and will willingly be your guide to realization. I’ll never get tired of rising even when the time comes that you’ll get weary of being under the sun. I’ll never get tired of praying that all the ill-fate days are rubbed away from your life and may you get sunshine and rainbows in your life, my friend.

       As a child of God, I believe that God values me like the great sun. I have confidence that I am also one of the wonderful creations of God. Like the sun that shines through the sky, my love for him is worthy and sound.

     In life, it’s true that you can’t please everybody. I may be like the sun to others that irritates their eyes whenever they throw a glimpse, but I have that confidence that God created me to become one of the sky’s beauties. And even though sometimes I fail and that causes me to go down, similar to the sun, I plan in hand and rise again. Imagine how magnificent the sun is! You really must see the true sun in you, feel the promise of tomorrow and begin spreading the glow of the rays of the great sun in the lives of others.

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